About Mel Hathorn; world traveler, writer, teacher, and questioner

Melvin Charles Hathorn was born in Wilmington, Delaware. He is currently an instructor at Albertus Magnus College and is a historic Interpreter at the Mark Twain House in Hartford, Connecticut. He has traveled through many countries including Greece, Europe, and Uzbekistan. It was here that he survived a bout of E-Coli in Samarkand, Central Asia. Included in his travels was the former Soviet Union, where he was almost arrested in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg,) for a minor traffic offense. He also just missed being pulled off the train at the Soviet-Finnish border by Soviet passport control. He has also piloted planes, and has earned a certificate in small vessel sailing.

His career included teaching on a variety of levels from elementary school through college. As a former training officer for the State of Connecticut, he has developed several training courses for juvenile correction staff. His publications are many, including three novels, several short stories and articles that are on his website, www.authorsden.com/mel.

Throughout his life, Hathorn has shown a passion for justice. He has spoken out on many occasions for improving the lives of the disadvantaged. His new novel, The Prisoner’s Dilemma, continues that pattern. It is an attempt to bridge the gap between an old corrupt system and the new one that is yet to come.