Reviews for The Prisoner’s Dilemma

Ever think of “taking on” the big boys, those evil corporations who reportedly own America? Well this story will give you some idea of what you’d be in for if you did. After the brakes of a poorly maintained truck loaded with tons of concrete fail, sending the vehicle down the mountainside and into a school bus killing 25 children, a teacher and the parents decide to sue. They find to their surprise, that while corporations can be taken to court, then individual officers cannot, regardless of their complicity in the accident. Undaunted, they forge m ahead and sue the corporation’s CEO, causing the local business community to block them by legal and illegal means. Eventually the case lands in the Supreme Court, where its fate depends on the swing vote of just a single justice.
Tom Elliott, Book Review Editor, Mensa Bulletin

A complex legal argument entwined with a heart-wrenching human drama. A real page-turner.
Karen Klein, Former Board Member, CT Authors and Publisher’s Association

A great effort in connecting the Gilded Age's dark side to our current social and economic nightmares.
Patrick Burgess

I loved it. I especially liked the way the story built as it progressed toward the end. You are at you best with the dialogue…lots of good information communicated, complex ideas and points of view and suspense as well as good character development.
Terry Tillman

Send a copy to Edward Liddy (CEO of AIG) and Bernake.
Anne Marie Vedda

I never realized the truth until after reading this book. The reader will never, ever see American business in the same way. A paradigm shift that promises to make Corporate America sit up and take notice.
Elizabeth Doyle

An intelligent, cerebral read. Tones and energizes your brain!!!
Rebecca Floyd

Hathorn had better hire a bodyguard when this book hits the stores…Corporate America certain to declare a fatwah on Hathorn.
Ryk & Cathy Nelson

Provocative! Controversial! Explosive! An all-nighter!! Well Done!! Kudos!
Sam McKeeman

A feisty, hell-raising story!!! The ultimate conspiracy.
Teresa King, PaulingCove Bookstore

I finished your excellent book about three weeks ago and then(!) the Supreme Court made its new corporation ruling. Your book was informative, persuasive, well-paced, and topical. Wish we had a chance to discuss it more. Quite a surprise ending.
George Waller