Reviews for Celts and Kings


“I loved the subject, the setting and the mood.” Danielle Svetcov, Freelance writer, editor, Levine Greenberg Literary Agency

“It’s an intriguing premise.” Kate Lee, International Creative Management

“Your research on the subject and the description of the book are both impressive.” Eric Lasher

“This is a very ambitious novel—it certainly covers a lot of ground.” Kathy Green, Kathryn Green Literary Agency

“Great story -- really gets the issues out there through the voices of compelling characters. As an educator myself, the pressure on the protagonist to change a grade for the wealthy benefactor's son really got my blood boiling!” Beth Bruno, Editor, President, Connecticut Authors and Publishers Association

“It is highly inventive.” Broo Doherty, Wade and Doherty Literary Agency

“There is much of value in the material.” Evan Marshall, Author, Toasting Tina,

“Your writing is strong and the topic intriguing.” Judy Heiblum, Brickhouse Literary Agency

“I found the material very interesting.” Ashley Kraas Kraas Literary Agency

“Appropriately enough, I finished reading Celts and Kings on Lughnasa, one of the great Celtic feasts. I enjoyed the manuscript very much…I congratulate you on producing a readable novel with several interesting plot twists. That is quite an achievement! I also enjoyed what Irish history you went into. … You have written an excellent book, and I thank you for … the opportunity to read it. Your ideas on the Stone of Destiny are original and quite convincing. I would bet that is what happened to the stone. You put life in your characters and made the reader quite concerned with their fates … go raibh maith agat” (Thank you in Irish) Ray Green, Irish historian, seanchaí and retired college lecturer

“From the very first sentence I was captivated.…a mix of history and fiction.” Patrick o'Dochartaigh, Inishowen Genealogy Center

“I read the prologue and three chapters (you sent me). I want more. I'm hooked, wondering what's going to happen next. Interesting theory.” Terry Tillman, 227 Company

“This could become a best seller!....” JR

“Great Job Mel.” Norwood Coleman

“Your novel offered a great look at the politics in the ivory tower. I enjoyed reading it and identified with your main character closely.” Anne Marie Vedda