Monday, July 5, 2010

Women in White part 5


The next morning I waited at the coffee shop for Mollie. I was anxious to see how her evening went. Mollie stormed into the shop slamming the door behind her. Cups on various tables around the room rattled.

Her eyes were dark, stormy and reflected the fury of a scorned woman. As she stomped across the room, she slammed herself in the chair opposite me. It was through clenched teeth that she muttered something that I was unable to pick up. I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear it.

“Coffee?” I asked.

“No thank you.” Her voice brimmed with coldness and disgust. “How could you do that to me? The only good thing about last night is at least I didn’t have to take Connecticut Transit to get there.” Mollie’s hell-like fury was not that of a scorned woman reflecting the fifth circle of Dante’s Inferno, but rather she expressed the heat of the ninth circle, that holds the hottest flames.

“What do you mean?”

“First of all, that sexy bald head you told me about? Like Telly Savalas? He was bald all right but his head was sunburned, peeling with flakes of skin falling on his shoulders. I would of thought it was dandruff, except he didn’t have any hair. And that dark suit? It hadn’t been cleaned in 30 years. It had mustard and ketchup stains and grease form all those rides.”

“Look, I know he needs a little cleaning up, but…”

“His voice…he kept perseverating, he kept saying, ‘More rides! More Fun!’ He wouldn’t shut up. He stank like a damp moldy swamp on a hot day. And to make it worse he tried to cover it up, not by bathing, but by excessive bay rum. Then he acted like I was his nurse.”

“What do you mean?”

“When he saw that rhinestone brooch…”

“Please don’t tell me you wore the Scarlet Letter,” I interrupted.

“Why shouldn’t I wear it? I won it! I’m proud of it!”

“What happened?”

“He asked if I would get him a cup of water while he took his medication.”

“Sammy’s on meds? What were they?”

“I don’t know; just that the pills were little blue ones. He took six or seven of them.”

To be continued

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