Friday, June 18, 2010

An Open Letter to Ted Turner, Rupert Murdock and other media moguls:

An Open Letter to Ted Turner, Rupert Murdock and other media moguls:

As I write this, there is great controversy over the Supreme Court Decision of a few months ago, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, legalizing corporate free speech. Although many have serious concerns about the damage to our free elections, I believe that it really makes no difference. So let the corporations buy as much time as they want before an election. For you see, no one believes you or them anyway!

You show the Tea Party yelling and screaming as if what they say has any logic or reason. You show questionable poll results that we all know are biased because they are dependent on whoever funds the poll, how the questions are structured and on may other variables that you refuse to reveal.

We recognize spin when powerful people either refuse to answer pointed questions and you let them slide, or your questions are so trite and meaningless that the answers are like sea foam, full of froth and bubbles.

The great reporters of the past, Edward R. Morrow, Walter Winchel, and Walter Cronkite are of another age and era. Now we have Entertainment TV and Inside Edition. Your reporters no longer dig for truth and the hidden story but focus on trite issues such as celebrity divorces, etc. Therefore, no one believes you!

Nobody believes you because you’ve already lost whatever bit of credibility you have had. You have traded whatever sense of ethics and responsibility you‘ve once had to provide honest reporting and quality programming for a quick buck. The swill that you feed us, Jerry Springer, Reality TV, etc., would not be fed to the hogs that produce my morning bacon. This swill is not fit for the swine of Gerasenes. Swill that the Prodigal Son would reject.

I suppose that there are a few unenlightened souls still chained to the back of Plato’s cave who continue to believe in the reality of your reflected shadows and illusions. But these few misguided souls are rapidly dwindling and soon all your profits and quick bucks will dwindle along with them. Because no one respects you!

So let the FCC relax media rules; it will not make any difference. Because we neither respect nor believe you!

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