Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Women in White part 4

A few days later, Mollie and I met for coffee. “Did he call you?” I asked.

“Yes, we’re getting together after work at Six Flags. He’s going to give me a tour of Six Flags and we’re going out to dinner afterward.” She broke out into a rousing chorus of:

Some enchanted evening
Someone may be laughin',
You may hear them laughin'
Across a crowded room
And night after night,
As strange as it seems
The sound of their laughter
Will haunt your dreams.

“Tell me, how do I look?”

“Well, when I suggested adding a little color to your outfit, I was thinking of something like a red scarf. I don’t know about that.” I pointed to her brooch. It was the letter ‘A’ outlined with red rhinestones. “You might want to reconsider the scarlet letter,” I said. “He might misunderstand. Where did you get it?”

“I won it in a contest at work. For making the most sales of automobile and bus insurance including that nightmare, CT Transit.” She seemed puzzled. “Why?”

“Well…it’s just that the ‘Scarlet Letter’ uh…has certain connotations.” I explained to her the origins of the ‘“Scarlet Letter.’”

Mortification flashed across her face. “So that’s why men keep staring at me. How embarrassing!” She hid her face in her hands.

“What does the ‘A’ stand for anyway?’

“Aggressive. I won the right to be called Ms. Aggressive Progressive. It’s considered an honor.”

“Well, it’s a good thing I caught it in time. Sammy may misunderstand,” I said wondering how long it had been for Sammy.

“What I want to know is why can’t I wear my rhinestone brooch.”

As she walked away both removing her rhinestone brooch and leaving me with the bill, she broke out in one of her inane songs.

Like a rhinestone cowgirl
Riding out on a bus in a star-spangled rodeo
Like a rhinestone cowgirl
And I dream of the things I'll do
With a subway token and a dollar tucked inside my shoe

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