Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Women in White Part 3

Women in White Part 3
Continued from Part 2

Mollie stared angrily at me. “I don’t appreciate your humor.”

“Look,” I said. “I have someone I want you to meet.”

“OK.” She glowered. ‘What’s his name?”

“Sammy. He works for Six Flags.”

“What’s he do?”

“He has a high position in advertising and promotion. In fact, he wears a dark suit to work.”

“What’s he look like?”

“Well, he’s tall; has a great personality. You’ll really like him. Plus, since he rides everywhere, he really needs to buy insurance and Progressive might just work for him.”

Mollie got excited. A new potential romance plus a sales conquest. This was perfect.

“What color hair does he have?”

“Actually,” I said hemming and hawing, “He’s kinda bald. But in a good way. He looks like Telly Salvalas. He has that same aura of hidden sexuality, the kind of bald head that women really go crazy over.”

“Oh Wow! I used to go crazy over Telly Salvalas when I was a kid. He was sooo sexy. When can I meet him?” She bounced up and down on her toes chirping in that annoying voice of hers. Then she hesitated. “He doesn’t use Connecticut Transit does he? I won’t go out with anyone who rides that blue-streaked nightmare.”

“Oh no! In fact, he hates Connecticut Transit. Seems like he had a traumatic experience several years ago when he was a kid.”

“That poor kid. What happened?”

“I’m not really free to discuss it. I’m sure you understand.”


“Let me give him a call and see if he’s interested. I’ll let you know.”

As she walked away, I heard her singing,

“Give me a man who is a dark-suited man
Who will fight for the right to ride the rail.
A man who will ride, through the rain and the snow,
Through the sleet, through the slush, through the hail.

Oh! Doorway to doorway, it’s my way; it’s your way,
He’ll rides til he dies and he never will fail.
In that car he insures and he drives to the shore
Riding and riding and riding and riding forevermore.”

Shoulder to shoulder & bolder and bolder
He’ll glow as he rides to the fore!
Start me with one, a stouthearted man
And I’ll soon sell 10,000 more.”

Be careful Mollie, what you wish for, I thought.

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